Sunday, August 28, 2011


We've been back from Europe for 2 weeks now, and I've yet to post a photo. Not to facebook, not to my blog, nowhere.

I feel so freaking guilty about it.

Why haven't I posted?

I can't figure out how to get photos from my new camera to my computer. (before I sound like a complete idiot, I bought a new SD card, and it's different from my old one, and now not compatible with my old reader).

Technology fail.

I promise I will figure it out this week people. Really. I do. I need to blog about our lovely new home also. I have so many posts, ready to go, but they need pictures. I'm getting on it now. My curtains are hung, my house is moved, the internet is switched over - I have the time now.

I just need to get on it.

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