Monday, January 7, 2013


Why hello 2013. My how you snuck up on us! It seems like it was just 2012, and I was welcoming in a year of growth and promises. But alas, 2012 has come and gone. And it truly did offer growth - in many ways. I grew in my job and became confident that I will stay there for a long time. Sean grew in his studies as he completed his second year and started his third of law school. Our budget grew as Sean got a part time job at a law firm. Our family grew as we adopted a dog. Our experiences grew as we traveled to Florida, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Tennessee. Our savings grew as we began to save for a house. In fact, the only thing that didn't grow was probably my debt - we paid off my car and one of my student loans (Sean's student loans are a whoooole different story).

This year? This year is promising a year of change. Many changes, much growth, and so much promise. Sean will be graduating. We'll be buying a house. We'll (hopefully) be growing our family again - with a human this time. We'll (hopefully) be growing our bank account with a new job for Sean.

Yup. There's a lot of change that going to be going on around here. Change for the better. Let's rock it!

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