Saturday, February 19, 2011

Turning it down

I did end up getting the promotion. I turned it down.

Many of you probably think I'm nuts, but it just wasn't right for me. It would require me to work Thursday - Monday, and I'm already annoyed with having to work on Sunday. But no weekend days off? I would rarely see Sean, and I would almost never be able to come home without taking vacation. Plus, it was only a 10% raise - which on my salary, isn't much. I'd lose most of my bonuses too, which add nearly $300 to my monthly income.

Basically, money isn't everything. I had to weigh my pros and cons, and I just wouldn't have been happy. I almost cried (and not tears of joy) when they offered it - I didn't want to make the decision. But I did. I did it for my sanity, for our relationship, for my family.

And now, while I love my job as a training mentor, I will most likely start to look for another job. I think I'll call up UMKC career center too. I need something that pays more, and preferably with weekends off. My job has been great breaking into the world, but I'm realizing that I'm getting nowhere fast - and it's frustrating to work somewhere that doesn't have require a degree when I have one.

Here's to the best - we shall see what happens!

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