Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mizzou Homecoming!!

Our Homecoming game was this week!!

We found out at the beginning of last season (yea, homecoming games are scheduled early) that we were playing Texas. Texas is a great team, but we weren't expecting them to be slotted the #3 team in the nation.  Nor were we expecting ourselves to be unranked. *sigh* Oh Mizzou. Thankfully, Texas fans came knowing they were going to win, and they didn't rub it our faces. They were very classy. Likewise, we knew going in the chances of us winning were zero to none. If fact, we went in just hoping to get on the board. The game finally ended with a score of 41-7, but it was okay. It was a decent night, and we had a lot of fun. However, the spirit of homecoming didn't start on October 24. Homecoming is big deal at Mizzou, because we invented it. Literally. Besides, with spirit week, Homecoming started (for us) on the Tuesday before.

I mentioned that we invented Homecoming. It's true, according to the NCAA and Jeopardy! In 1911, the University of Missouri was playing our biggest rival (still to this date), the kansas Jayhawks (note: kansas is not worthy of a capital letter when referring to the school). The athletic director invited alumni back for a "home-coming"- though it was mostly to ensure a sold-out game and intimidation of the other team. The Mizzou-kansas rivalry is the oldest rivalry West of the Mississippi - it's a REALLY big deal.

(First Homecoming Football game)

Did I mention that we're also the largest student-run Homecoming in the nation?

Now that I've bragged, I'll move on to Spirit Week. Guard took it upon themselves (okay, well, Ashley did) to win the Spirit Award in band, and we went all out. We had a theme each day. Tuesday was Black-Out, Wednesday was Gold Rush, Thursday was Deck the Guard (all Mizzou stuff - even though this day of practice was rained out), and Friday was Spirit Day (completely with Tie--Dye). Half of our girls wore face paint everyday. Unfortunately I had class each day before band, so I couldn't do face paint. However, we all had a blast. I have yet to bombard my blog with game day photos, but this is the post that will. I stole some pics from the girls! :)

                   My Awesome Blackout Shirt        Ashley and Sohae being adorable

Gold Rush!!
Allie, Brandi, and Stephanie
(Brandi wore this all day around campus!)

We got rained out on Deck the Guard, but we were still spirited!!

First College Friends!!!
And now Captains! <3 these girls
Lyndsey, Allie, Me, and Jayme

                           Allie and Lyndsey on Friday            Even Chris (our Grad Ass)
                           Check out those glasses!                  joined in on the fun

Guard on Friday!!
We lost the Spirit Award to drumline, but they were classy and gave it to us!

Chris rocking the Spirit Award and a Flag!
We <3 this guy!

Like I said, we lost the Spirit Award, even though drumline didn't do a single thing. But they were classy  (don't pass up an opportunity to make the Spirit Chairs look like jerks), and gave it to us. It's strange, because drumline has their own dynamic, and this definitely isn't it. They're a section that people hate on principle. But, maybe things are changing.

All in all, it was a good time. Sure, we lost the game. But winning isn't everything. Though, we did get to see our 2nd/3rd string (our 2nd string got kicked off the team for a DUI) quarterback on the field. And he's a WALK ON. Crazy. Gabbert has a sprained ankle.

Have I mentioned how much I love Marching Mizzou?!

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