Monday, October 5, 2009

Catching Up.

I just realized how far behind I am in posting. So let's play a little catch up, eh?

Moni had her baby. A beautiful boy, Omar Miguel Lopez. He was born on September 21st - and I was one of the first to see him! Moni was exhausted, but looked really good for having given birth 20 minutes prior. Here's a couple photos!
The Happy New Family

Baby Mug shot!!!

      Right after he was born

Isn't he just adorable? And look at all that hair!! Moni and Miguel did good. I love the pouty face he has in his mug shot - he looks so obstinate already! Even though he was technically a week early, he weighed in at 8 lbs, 14 oz.

Anyways. My dress for Moni's wedding is in too, and I'm going to pick it up this Saturday, cause she wanted to come with me. I don't want her to get left out of wedding stuff because of the baby, so we're making it work.

I'm really stressed out about school. I have a lot to do in a very short amount of time. Take my online class for example. I have to have it done by December 1st, and I'm barely 1/3 of the way through - yikes! I'm getting it done though. I've set deadlines, and I'm going to stick with them. I need to work on my Case Studies folder for my Persuasion class (plus my test on Thursday), I have a paper for my Poli Comm class, and I have to take a test in my online class. Whew! Luckily, my capstone, while slightly stressful, actually isn't that labor intensive - yet.

The first Thursday night football game for Mizzou in 17 years is happening this Thursday - against Nebraska. It's going to be a huge game - I just hope we can win. I'll have to remember to bring my camera for this one.

My family is getting pictures taken for the first time in 4 years. Some people are still surprised that we get family photos taken, but my sister is only 8. We got a family picture taken when she was only 2 weeks old, and it's really cool. Most families stop taking professional photos once their kids are older, and I love that we still get them taken. I need to go to Kohl's in the next two days, and make use of the 30% off coupon my mom gave me in order to buy picture clothes. And maybe some club clothes while I'm is a pretty sweet coupon, after all. It's a pretty big deal that we're getting pictures taken. This will probably be the last time I'm in a professional family photo. While I'm not leaving the family, once Sean and I get married we'll have our own family - even if it is just the two of us. While it'll be strange to not be in the family photos anymore, it's not like it hasn't happened before. After all, there are years of pictures without the older siblings in them in my parents' families. It's almost like a rite of passage.

I have wedding stuff to post, but I think I'm actually going to do all of that in a separate post - it makes labels easier. I love the labels function on blogger. I just need to remember to not get too vague with them.

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