Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Dreaded Snafu.

We knew it was going to happen. Wedding planning has been going fairly smoothly, and we've been starting to get things done. We've been making decisions, I've actually been working on DIYs (though, I've fallen victim to the start-projects-and-never-finish-them curse), etc. And then we received a phone call on Friday.

It was from our priest, Fr. Don. Fr. Don is awesome. He's a big, roly poly man who kind of looks like a friar from a Monty Python movie, but he's witty and hilarious. He's also very involved. And being the very involved man that he is, Fr. Don takes a big part in our annual parish mission trip - to Belize. Which happens in January every year.

When we first started in talks with Fr. Don, we peppered him with questions about the trip, making sure that he would be available. And he assured us that no trip has ever started as early as our wedding. Well, next year it will. *facepalm* I know Belize is a good cause though, so I'm not too upset. Actually, I'm not upset at all. It's a little wrench, but if this is the worst of it, I'm okay with that.

So with Fr. Don unable to do the wedding, our new associate pastor will be taking over - Fr. Phil. Thankfully, All Saints has three priests, so it's almost impossible for one of them to not be available (please, everyone, knock on some wood for us). Honestly, the only reason we hadn't chosen Fr. Chris (who was our previous associate) was that he had already been at All Saints for five years, which is a long time for an associate. And we were right - he left All Saints last May.

I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason though. I've only talked with Fr. Phil once or twice, but this is presenting to be a good opportunity to get to know him. Yes, it means we have a few more meetings. But on the other hand, I was getting a little nervous since we had already had all of our meetings almost a year ago. Perhaps this is for the best. In any case, I'm giving Fr. Phil until Monday to give us a ring - otherwise, I'll call him. With us most likely moving in June, this is not something we can be slowpokes about!

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