Friday, May 7, 2010


I'll admit - I'm not going to take this challenge. BUT I think it's cool enough to write about. Whether you take it or not, it doesn't particularly matter. But think about it...could you do it?

Imagine. You walk into your journalism class at the University of Minnesota, and the teacher asks you to give up any technology that was created after 1984. No laptops, no cell phones, no iPods (unless for work/school purposes)...for 5 days. There would be no Facebook, no Twitter, and no blogs in this land. Many of us wouldn't be able to call anyone (unless of course, you have a landline with a corded phone). There'd be no alarm systems, no automatic lights, and no water filters.

 I think the biggest problem I would have with this challenge is the distance between Sean and I. To have no modern technology for 5 days would mean we would have no communication for 5 days - we talk to each solely based on chat, text messaging, and phone calls. In the summer? I could totally do it. I mean, if we go to Florida we essentially "unplug" for that week. It's wonderful. But on a day-to-day basis? It would probably be a struggle for me. 

My favorite part of the article? 
“I wanted them to realize the difference between using it in a strategic way and using it mindlessly,” LaMarre said.
LaMarre said technology should be used with an intended purpose and not needlessly.
“You wouldn’t just pick up a hammer or screwdriver and use it mindlessly,” LaMarre said.
It is this kind of “mindless” use that ended Knopff’s attempt a half hour after leaving the classroom the day it was assigned.
“After leaving class, I put on my iPod,” Knopff said. “It is so second nature to me that I didn’t even realize it.”
That girl didn't even make it an hour after the assignment was issued, simply because technology is so second nature to us. It's a great tool, resource, and addition to our lives, but we're so dependent on it now. I have no intention of ever giving up my tech - it's not a bad thing. It's something that will never go away, and it's best to accept it as a way of life. At the same time though, I'd like to not be too dependent on it. I can still cook without my laptop on a recipe, and I can definitely spell without spell check.However, I'm not sure I could have planned my wedding 100 miles away while going to school - I wouldn't be able to price check vendors at midnight or look up DIY projects to save money.

What do you think? Do you think you could take the challenge?

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